2022 Annual Report

As we start a new year, we are excited to share our annual report from 2022. 

2022 wasn’t an easy year in the elections world, but we’re proud of the impact of our work to make voting easier.

This past year has only strengthened our belief that elections should work for everyone and we continue to work to make this idea a reality. 

In 2022, we: 

  • expanded our support for language access in election offices
  • strengthened and fostered the core skills we believe are essential for running successful elections (you can find them on our website)
  • helped election offices introduce new methods of voting 

We worked in 16 states and reached 53 million voters – almost half the total turnout in the General Election.

We released tools for election administrators, conducted research studies and usability tests, and taught new skills across the county. 

It’s all in the annual report.

Looking ahead to the new year, we aim to invite even more people into civic spaces and participation, push election offices to higher standards and ensure new technology and policies make sense for voters. 

We welcome your thoughts on our past and upcoming work. 

Thank you for your support.