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Content Tagged ‘communicating with voters’
Post: Michigan Voting Dashboard
Post: Last minute tips to help voters navigate unexpected moments while voting
Post: This Disability Voting Rights Week, visit
Post: Too much info? Break it into bites, snacks, and meals
Post: Better design = more culturally responsive voter outreach
Post: Maryland’s new election website speaks directly to voters
Post: Design and text can work together to make RCV election status and results clear
Post: Election websites need great headings, accordions, and clear navigation
Post: Communication and voter education is key to election innovation
Post: We launched a user-friendly website with accessible voting options in every state
Post: We’ve updated our Civic Images Library. Ready, set, illustrate!
Post: QR codes and short URLs get voters to information quickly
Post: What to do about results: set expectations with explanations
Post: Designing ballot cure forms that invite voters to act
Post: Tips for the home stretch: Communicating with voters
Post: Helping voters make healthy choices